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Why Hosting Business Conferences Can Be a Perfect Sales Pitch Opportunity

Dec 06, 2021

When you’re growing your business, the opportunity to talk in front of an audience of potential clients and industry colleagues can be incredibly valuable. So what better way to establish yourself as a leader within the industry than by hosting business conferences?

The Benefits of Hosting Business Conferences

Establishing Your Brand Name

Brand awareness is the very first step in the marketing funnel, making it a crucial foundation to eventually acquiring customers. Hosting a large-scale business conference can be a great way to establish your brand’s name or enhance it further whilst also building a positive reputation alongside it within the industry.

Building a Lot of Professional Connections

In business, one of the most common things you can hear is “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” and that's because it’s true. Building rapport with other industry professionals can come in really handy further down the road and since they are guests at your event, you have already established a relationship with them. You can use the time during the event to strengthen these relationships and build better connections for the future.

Emerge as a Leader in the Industry

Hosting business conferences isn’t as easy as it looks and not every business has the resources or funding to arrange a large-scale event. However, if you do manage to pull off a successful event, you’ll begin to emerge as a leader within the industry, furthering your brand.

It’s the Perfect Sales Pitch Opportunity

By hosting your own conference event, you have a greater opportunity to speak to all the guests and sell your business pitch to them. Whether you decide to do this directly or more subtly is up to you and depends on what it is you’re trying to sell and who you’re pitching to e.g. potential clients/customers or investors.

You can use your resources to your advantage too, using large digital screens to sell your business as people walk around and mingle. These visual elements reinforce your brand name and help attendees retain information about your company better.

You Can Invest in Other Businesses

Hosting a business conference isn’t just a great sales pitch opportunity for your business but also for all the other businesses attending, meaning you can not only receive investments but also find other businesses or start-ups that are worth investing in.

What About Online Business Conferences?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses have had to resort to video conferencing in order to meet virtually with others and despite lockdown restrictions easing, it is estimated that many will continue this way of working after realising the time and money saving benefits.

However, you can host a business conference that is just as successful online as in person so long as you have the right equipment and setup in place. By having effective video conferencing tools in place such as high quality audio and visual equipment, a good internet connection and the right software, you can host a very professional conference and have greater control over the event than you would if in person.

The only slight downside to this is that you would likely have to reduce the number of attendees to avoid too much disruption or connection issues, however, without having to pay for a venue and all of the signs, posters, paper handouts etc, you can afford to hold more conferences.

How Can DMS Make Your Business Conferences More Effective?

At DMS, we believe in creating innovative digital solutions that will simplify, modernise and create growth within workplaces which is why we offer a range of solutions to help make your business conferences more effective.

Commercial Display Screens

DMS partners with top brands to provide only the highest quality commercial display screens for your business. Whether you require digital signage, commercial TVs, meeting room presentation solutions, interactive screens, customer advertising or data walls, DMS will work closely with you to ensure we deliver the correct size, format, warranty and mounting solutions, transforming your ideas into realistic solutions.

Our digital display screens can make your sales pitch look much more professional and don’t have the same issues such as lighting, shadows and low quality often associated with a projector and screen.

Conferencing Solutions

Thanks to our advanced and easy-to-use video conferencing solutions, you can host effective business conferences online. We can provide a range of affordable audio/visual equipment and the right software necessary to host professional events via video conferencing.

For more information, get in touch with one of our friendly team members today.

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