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Visitor Management

Every business has visitors, whether it's simply a few deliveries a week or multiple clients, interviewing candidates and suppliers coming in and out all day, every day. That’s why it’s so important to have an effective visitor management system (VMS) in place.
Visitor management

Visitor Management Systems

Why Do You Need a Visitor Management System?

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Have you ever entered a place of business, taken a look around and had not a clue what you were supposed to do or where you were supposed to go? Nobody has greeted you, there are no signs to direct you and there is no one sitting at the visitor desk. In these situations, people usually do one of three things:

  1. Walk around awkwardly, watching what others are doing

  2. Ask for help

  3. Leave

Having your visitors feeling awkward, confused or lost to the point where they decide to leave is a clear failure of your existing visitor management and sets an incredibly bad first impression. A negative experience may also result in them avoiding visiting your building again and resulting in a loss of business. That’s why you should always strive to make the greatest first impression before your visitors have even stepped foot in your building.

Features and Benefits of DMS Visitors Entry Management

Health Declarations

Ensuring your visitors are and healthy well enough to enter your building is more essential now than ever. With our advanced VMS, you can send pre-booked visitors Health Declarations to ensure they are fit to come in. This could potentially reduce the risk of spread of disease and viruses within your workplace, making it a safer environment for everyone.

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Host Ready Notifications

Host ready notifications allow visitors to alert the host of their arrival. Once the host is ready for them to enter, they can send a notification to the visitor to let them know it is okay to enter.

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Welcome Emails

Part of welcoming your guests involves ensuring they know exactly what your site policies are. What better way to make them aware than by sending an email as soon as they arrive so they can familiarise themselves with your policies before they enter, helping to keep everyone safe.

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If you require guests to fill in a questionnaire before they can proceed into the building, don’t waste time and resources with pen and paper. Our VMS allows you to send an email prior to their arrival so you can get straight to business.

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Visitor Feedback

What better way to improve your business than to seek feedback from visitors themselves? Send emails with feedback forms as soon as your guests leave the site, store their answers digitally and make any valuable changes to improve your business.

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Capacity Management

Managing the capacity of your business space can help to prevent it from becoming overcrowded and unsafe. This is especially important in smaller locations where capacity restrictions apply. With DMS’ visitor management system, you can receive notifications when your capacity levels have been met, when they are breached and when they return to satisfactory levels.

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At DMS, we offer integrations of various door access and management information systems (MIS). This means your employees and visitors can automatically sign into your system whilst gaining access through a secure door with the simple swipe of a card.

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Achieve Health, Safety and Legal Compliance

Every industry is governed by individual regulatory frameworks that can involve rules on welcoming visitors on site. If your business place has any policies in regards to health, safety and legal compliance, it's crucial for you to make visitors aware of this. With DMS, you can digitally display and important information for visitors to agree to prior to completing their sign-in.

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We work with the best...

The sign-in process

Setting a Good First Impression

Your reception area is the first thing people see when they enter your building. Making your visitors feel welcome and comfortable is key in setting a great first impression. There’s nothing worse than showing up somewhere new and having to sign in using a flimsy clipboard and dried pen. To reflect the true professionalism and quality of your business, you need something more sophisticated. That’s where we come in.

With DMS, managing your visitors can be a smooth and speedy process. Our market-leading digital visitor management systems include intuitive screens that significantly speed up the signing in process. It’s even possible for visitors to self-service all the way through to printing an ID badge that can be worn around your site.

By digitising your sign-in process, you remove the need for excess sheets of paper, making your company much more efficient. It also means your visitors’ information is stored directly onto your system, allowing you to monitor who is on your site, what time they arrived and when they left, which is an incredibly useful tool in the event of an emergency.

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Why Choose DMS for Your Visitor Entry Management System?

At DMS, we believe in creating innovative digital solutions that will simplify, modernise and create growth within workplaces. One key step in growing your business is attracting and retaining customers and clients which start from the moment they step foot through your doors.

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We also pride ourselves on our competitive pricing, with a range of incredibly affordable services to keep your business costs down whilst simultaneously helping you to save and make more money.

As a family run company, we understand the importance of having great relationships in business and being totally transparent. That’s why we’re constantly striving to offer the highest quality of customer service with a dedicated team who are passionate about creating digital solutions bespoke to our clientele.

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The Great News

We take care of it all

Additionally, the great news is that it’s possible for one partner to take care of it all: your IT consultancy and cloud services, audio/video equipment, software solutions, reprographics and print management solutions. Tech works best when it’s managed right, and all under one roof, so we make ourselves right at home and quickly become an extension of your team. You’ll know us by name and we’ll know exactly what you need before you do: upgrades, updates, troubleshooting - you name it! If there are any issues, we’ll be ready to tackle them fast. That’s the beauty of having a team that can take care of it all

For more information, get in touch with one of our friendly team members today.

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Making life simpler with bespoke monthly bundles

DMS One allows you to combine your hardware, software, and services into a single easy to manage solution. Access to the latest technology, optimise your IT budgets, and simplify your bill. Our programme helps you to move away from large capital investments. Instead, you can enjoy technology, training, services and maintenance through a low-cost, monthly subscription plan.


  • Managed print services
  • Audio visual solutions
  • IT services
  • Document workflow
  • Workspace solutions
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  • System software
  • Application software
  • Management software
  • Utility software
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  • On-site support
  • Remote support
  • Installation & maintenance
  • Training
  • Account management
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“The DMS Group have provided us with solutions for several IT projects across all of our Trust Schools. In addition to being able to provide high quality support on products they have delivered to us, they have been able to provide exceptional aftercare and ongoing development / guidance.We continue to work with The DMS Group on a number of projects and would have no hesitation in recommending them to other partners we work with.”

Mike Ward - Group IT Director

The Dean Trust
“After conducting an in-depth product evaluation and procurement process, we selected DMS as our supplier to install 65” interactive screens over the summer period. The added offering of a compliant operating lease by DMS enabled the school to take advantage of installing 30 screens into all our classrooms which has been a welcome boost for both staff and pupils as they are now able work and learn using the latest modern technology for the new term. The Installation of the hardware and software was a very smooth process from start to finish and took just 3 days. DMS’s Installation team were polite, professional, and even assisted us with the removal and disposal of our existing equipment.Using a one stop supplier for the supply, leasing and installation of the equipment has proved an excellent and invaluable choice”

Mark Drabble - Network Manager

Urmston Grammar School
“DMS sourced, quoted, and delivered in the space of 24 hours. What more can you ask for?”

Mount Carmel High School
“We get an excellent service from someone we trust”

Seddon Construction
“We are extremely happy with the service that Steve and his team at DMS have provided. We went through a lengthy process to make our final decision and Steve was patient and thorough throughout.”

St Mary’s Catholic High School
“If we need any help, we simply phone DMS and they send an engineer round – within 4 hours, Monday to Friday”

Anthony Cumbor - ICT Support

Parrs Wood High School

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